The Entangled Body is an interactive installation work where an invisible second body is constructed from the visitors brain activity and made tactile by using mid air haptic technology. By using Touch and EEG technology a visitor touches and interacts with an invisible but tactile, live generated dynamic representation of the self. EEG data generates an invisible data double represented as an abstract object that is able to give live feedback and (emotional) expression of his or her actual mental state. Interacting with this entangled (body) object by means of touch creates a feedback loop with the self (brain), which in turn changes the mental state and creates an internal dialogue.
The Entangled Body is part of the Synaptic Theatre artistic research project, which investigates the possibilities for artists and designers to create meaningful and immersive experiences by stimulating the limbic and neurological system of the audience. By creating work that directly manipulates the brain, fundamental questions are addressed about the authenticity and autonomy of the human embodied experience. The installation will premiere at STRP Biennale Eindhoven 2017


The Entangeld Body is a co-production of POLYMORF, STRP and Playgrounds. Polymorf is: Marcel van Brakel, Frederik Duerinck, Wander Eikelboom, Mark Meeuwenoord and Peter Boonstra. Additional design Team: Edwin Kuipers, Martina Huynh, Robin de Bekker, Donny Verduijn.
Partners: The University of Sussex (Prof dr Sriram Subramanian Chair Informatics and Human-computer Interaction), Ultrahaptics Ltd, Expertisecentrum Kunst en Vormgeving (EKV) van AVANS Hogeschool (Lectoren Autonoom Maken (Sebastian Olma) en Mensgericht Creëren (Michel van Dartel), Donders Instituut (Prof dr Peter Desain Chair Artificial Intelligence),Holst Centre TNO & Studio Lossy. Massive thanks to De Zilveren Naald upholstery, Pien den Hollander, Sander Biemans, Corne Ossenblok, Kyllian lockerfeer ,CMD Breda.